Angus Creatives


Creatives List

This is our complete list of Angus Creatives and partners. If they have a number then you can visit their Open Studios on dates listed. Those without numbers will not be opening for the festival period but many will be showing work in our Art Markets and/or exhibitions. The Art Market and Exhibition 2025 section in the navigation bar provides an easy to find range focus events that have been organised for 2025 and takes place across Angus during the festival period.

  • Venue Icon

Lesley Balfour

I’m a printmaker/artist working mainly in linocut. Fascinated by nature’s detail and patterns, my work - often featuring birds - is inspired by the wildlife and plants found in my garden and the natural landscape of Angus.  View or buy work from the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and Remnants: Traces of the Past in the Present exhibition (venue 5).

Travelling to the venue

    What's on

    See a wide range of work from Lesley Balfour at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

    Buy a wide range of work from Lesley Balfour at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

    • May 2nd - 5th

      see Lesley's latest work at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3).

    • May 9th - 18th

      see Lesley's latest work at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

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    • Accessible Venue Icon
    • Toilets at Venue Icon

    Anna Rooney

    DD5 4QE

    Anna is inspired by formations present in the natural world and the ways in which making can connect to the environment. Her practice has progressed from mixed-media textiles to quilts and paintings, highlighting the joy in appreciating local environments through bright, uplifting colours and bold shapes. You can see her work at the Arbroath Art Market from 2nd - 5th May (Venue 3).

    Travelling to the venue

    What's on

    SeeAnna's work at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3).

    BuyAnna's work at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3).

    • May 2nd to 5th May

      Anna's work at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3).

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    • Toilets at Venue Icon

    Ramsay Allan

    6 Eastbank, Brechin DD9 6AT

    Award-winning painter Ramsay Allan's creative journey began after undergoing lens surgery that restored his eyesight. Seeing the world in a new light became the catalyst to pursue his art. Specialising in oil landscapes and portraits, Allan uses vibrant colours to explore surrealism, dreams, and the spiritual realm. One of his recent works was featured on the front cover of Art Loving Magazine. His studio is open on 3 - 5th May from 12 till 3pm each day and is also showing work at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4).

    Travelling to the venue

    What's on

    See Allan's work at his studio on 3 - 5th May from 12 till 3pm and Also at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4)

    Buy Allan's work at his studio on 3 - 5th May from 12 till 3pm and Also at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4)

    • May 3rd to 5th May

      12 - 3pm at Allan's studio on 3 - 5th May

    • May 2nd - 5th

      Montrose Art Market (Venue 4)

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    • Toilets at Venue Icon

    Pam Robertson

    6A Guthrie Street, Letham, Forfar DD8 2PS

    Pam is a biologist and artist that uses many mixed media techniques to create paintings which feature animals and plants of the countryside and seas. She loves the effect of printing, carving lino cuts from original drawings, and printing on backgrounds of ink and watercolour. You can see Pam’s work at the Forfar Art Market (Venue 1) and also at the ‘Remnants: Traces of the Past in the Present’ exhibition (Venue 5). She also has work on display at the Hand Pict Showcase Gallery (Venue 10).

    Travelling to the venue

    What's on

    See Pam's work at Venue 1, Venue 5 and Venue 10

    Buy Pam's work at Venue 1, Venue 5 and Venue 10

    • May 3rd and 4th May

      Forfar Art Market (Venue 1)

    • May 8th to 19th

      Remnants exhibition (Venue 5)

    • Venue Icon

    Catharina Dessain

    Lawton House, Arbroath DD114RU

    I make hand-built pots through coiling ori use moulds. These I have made myself from found natural objects or shapes I like. I have had three joint exhibitions with other artists.

    Travelling to the venue

    What's on

    See Catharina's work at her website.

    BuyCatharina's work at her website.

    • May 2nd to 31st May

      Open by Appointment

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    • Toilets at Venue Icon

    Sarah Keay

    15 Kinaldie Holdings, DD115SH

    Sarah makes jewellery using knitted wire, felt and found objects. She is currently working on larger scale pieces using mixed media that will be on show at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and will also be exhibiting at the Remnants: Traces of the Past in the Present exhibition (Venue 5).

    Travelling to the venue

    What's on

    See Sarah's work at Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and Venue 5 exhibition.

    Buy Sarah's work at Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and Venue 5 exhibition.

    • May 2nd to 31st May

      Open by Appointment outwith open studio dates:

    • May 2nd - 5th

      Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3).

    • May 9th - 18th

      remnants Exhibition (Venue 5).

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    • Toilets at Venue Icon

    Hand Pict Showcase Gallery

    14 The Square, Letham DD8 2PZ

    In addition to stocking Hand Made Art and Crafts, the gallery also hosts a wide variety of creative workshops throughout the year. Visitors can not only see our tutors teaching their skills but can also have the opportunity to make purchases from a wide range of Hand Made Gifts. A full list of our 2025 workshops can be found on our website and on our Facebook Page.

    Travelling to the venue

    By bus
    27 from Arbroath to Forfar
    Easy access with plenty of parking near Arts and Crafts Shop

    What's on

    See a showcase of work by Angus Creatives.

    Make workshops with Angus Creatives members

    Buy work from Angus Creatives amongst others.

    • Tues - Sat Open all year

      10am - 4pm

    • Sun Open all year

      12noon - 4pm

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    • Toilets at Venue Icon

    Al Buntin


    Al has worked commercially in art for over 50 years in Greeting Cards and Children's Books. He work in acrylics and watercolour, and since joining the Men's Shed he also produces recycled wooden pieces. His work will be on display on Sunday 4th May from  11am to 4pm.

    Travelling to the venue

    What's on

    See Al's work at his home studio on Sunday 4th May 11am-4pm.

    Buy Al's work at his home studio on Sunday 4th May 11am-4pm.

    • May 2nd to 31st May

      Open by Appointment outwith open studio dates:

    • May 4th

      11am - 4pm at Al's home studio.

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    • Toilets at Venue Icon

    Remnants: Traces of the Past in the Present

    St John's Methodist Church, 15 Ponderlaw, Arbroath DD11 1EU

    This captivating multidisciplinary art exhibition features the imaginative works of 15 talented Angus-based artists and makers, each exploring the multifaceted concept of remnants in our contemporary world. Embark on a journey through time, discovering connections between the past and present through various artistic expressions including paintings, sculptures, textiles, ceramics, glass and mixed-media works. The artists have drawn their inspiration from a wide variety of sources: urban and geological remains, cultural artefacts, human histories, natural evolution, personal histories and home decor. By examining and preserving these remnants or incorporating them into new creations, we gain valuable insights into our collective identity and heritage. We look forward to welcoming you to this exceptional artistic exploration of remnants and their significance in our lives. Artists include: Lesley Balfour (Linocuts, Watercolours); Maureen Crosbie (Leaded Glass); Michelle Hewitt (Scottish Wildlife Artist); Sandra Ireland (Author, creative writing facilitator)Sarah Keay (Multidisciplinary Artist and Jewellery Maker);Fran Marquis (Ceramicist); Jane Prior (Miscellany Jane) – (Upcycled Textiles); Maralyn Reed-Wood (Ceramicist); Pam Robertson (Mixed Media Artist); Anna Rooney (Painting, Textiles); Carol Sinclair (Ceramicist); Susan Stehli (Textiles, natural dyeing); KnotbrookTaylor (Art Photographer, Poet) and Astrid Weigel (Textile designer/maker).

    Travelling to the venue

    What's on

    See 15 Angus Creatives artists/makers work

    Buyfrom 15 Angus Creatives artists/makers

    • May Fri 9 th

      4pm - 6pm preview event with refreshments

    • May Sat 10 th

      10.30am - 4.00pm

    • May Sun 11 th

      12.30am - 4.00pm

    • May Mon 12th to Sat 17th

      10.30am - 4.00pm

    • May Sun 18 th

      12.30am - 4.00pm

    • Venue Icon
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    Arbroath Art Market

    St John's Methodist Church, 15 Ponderlaw, Arbroath DD11 1EU

    With nine local artists exhibiting a wide variety of creations, there is plenty to see at the Arbroath Art Market. The artists will be available to talk about their work and inspiration in this recently restored community venue in the heart of Arbroath. Also, the church café will be open for visitors to enjoy refreshments and tasty treats. So come along for and meet the artists. the following artists/makers will be showing work at the Art Market: Fran Marquis (Ceramics); Claire Walmsley (Painting ); John Burness (Ceramics); Jane Prior (Upcycled textiles); Anna Rooney (Textiles/Painting); Clive Weake (Ceramics); Susan Stehli (Textiles/quilts); Sandra Ireland (Author); Lesley Balfour (Linocut Prints); and Sarah Keay (Jewellery).

    Travelling to the venue

    Situated in the centre of Arbroath close to the Library.

    What's on

    See work from ten artists/makers from the Arbroath area.

    Buy work from ten artists/makers from the Arbroath area.

    • May 2nd to 5th May

      2 - 6pm Friday 2nd; 10.30am - 5pm Saturday 3rd; 12.30 - 5pm Sunday 4th; and 10.30am - 5pm Monday 5th

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    Montrose Art Market

    Clay Half Pottery Studio, 55 Murray Street, Montrose, DD10 8JZ

    The Clay Half is "a dedicated space for pottery enthusiasts and creative minds, serving the local community and beyond.” The Art Market creates a unique creative focus for Montrose during the festival, featuring artists from Brechin and Montrose areas. Featuring work from the following artists/makers: Sarah Rees Lloyd Ceramics (Ceramics); Maralyn Reed Wood (Ceramics); Michelle Hewitt (Fine Art Painting/illustration); Irene Hughes (Ceramics); Amy Mason (Glass Artist); Kirsten Ritchie Walker D.A (Fine Art Painting); Sasha Maninn (Ceramics); and Ramsay Allan (Fine Art Painting/Illustration).

    Travelling to the venue

    Situated in the centre of Montrose.

    What's on

    See work from eight artists/makers from the Montrose/Brechin areas.

    Buy work from eight artists/makers from the Montrose/Brechin areas.

    • May 2nd to 5th May

      5 - 8pm Friday; 11am - 4pm Saturday/Sunday/Monday.

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    • Toilets at Venue Icon

    Forfar Art Market

    Murton Farm, Tea Room and Nature Reserve, Arbroath Rd, Forfar DD89 2RZ

    Murton Farm & Nature Reserve plays host to six of our Forfar members for this year’s Festival of Makers. We are excited to come together under one roof where you’ll find us in The Cabin (next to the tearoom). Meet and chat with us, view a wide range of high quality art and perhaps make a few purchases! Murton is a family friendly venue and is free with lots to do. Murton is also hosting one of our Create:Networks funded commissions and will be available to see and buy limited editions during the festival. Artists taking part in the Art Market include: Adam Geary (Photography/Books); Carol Sinclair (Ceramics); Jennifer Mackie (Fine Art Painting); Pam Robertson (Mixed Media Artist); Astrid Weigel (Textile/Printmaking); Victoria Wylie (Fine Art Painting).

    Travelling to the venue

    Situated on the A932 Arbroath Road, about 1 mile outside Forfar.

    What's on

    See work from six artists/makers from Forfar area

    Buy work from six artists/makers from Forfar area.

    • May 3rd and 4th May

      10.30am - 4pm Saturday and Sunday

    • Venue Icon

    Kirriemuir Art Market

    Kinnordy House, Kirriemuir DD8 5ER

    The Kirriemuir Art Market event showcases a variety of local artists and their work as they gather at the studio in Kinnordy House and demonstrate their skills and display their work. Visitors can expect to see various artistic disciplines. Follow the link on the website to book sessions. Kinnordy House is set within an estate at the edge of town. Features the work of the following artists/makers: Deirdre Bennet (Papermaking); Maureen Crosbie (Stained Glass); Bebe Geen (Weaving); Jo Gifford (Ceramics); Cathrine Holtet (Ceramics); and Sheila Roussel (Silversmith).

    Travelling to the venue

    By bus
    S20 Kirriemuir High Street - Northmuir
    15 min walk to venue from Cortachy Road, alight near Kinnordy Road

    Please don't rely on the postcode as it takes you to Home Farm rather than Kinnordy House. The house is at 56°40'58.9"N 3°02'04.2"W 56.683021, -3.034488 It is easiest to reach the house up the front drive through the gates marked Kinnordy Estate, 56°40'43.5"N 3°00'58.5"W 56.678744, -3.016255 Access to the studio is at the back of the house, door to the right when through the courtyard. What3words: group.otter.relieves

    What's on

    See work from six artists/makers based in or around Kirriemuir.

    Make work from six artists/makers based in or around Kirriemuir.

    Buy work from six artists/makers based in or around Kirriemuir.

    • May 2nd to 5th May

      10.30am -4pm each day

    • Venue Icon
    • Accessible Venue Icon
    • Toilets at Venue Icon

    Making Better Exhibition

    Signal Tower Museum, Ladyloan, Arbroath DD11 1PU

    An exhibition sharing the bright and joyful artworks made by adults living with Dementia and their Carers. Creative activities including printing, working with clay and writing were part of a new programme of creative activities developed and delivered by members of Angus Creatives - a network of professional creatives living and working in Angus. Supported by the Communities Health and Wellbeing Fund and the Pathfinders Project, these workshops introduced the participants to new making processes, inspiring materials and professional tools. And the results were remarkable, not just in the work that was made, but also in the levels of enjoyment and engagement. Creativity really does make you feel better.

    Travelling to the venue

    Situated on the A932 Arbroath Road, about 7 miles outside Forfar/Arbroath. No.27 Bus stops right outside.

    What's on

    See Work from the workshops

    • May 2nd to 25th May

      10.30am - 4.00pm Wed - Monday; closed Tuesday.

    • Venue Icon

    Amy Mason

    Newtonmill Farmhouse, Stracathro, by Brechin DD9 7PZ

    Amy is a fused glass artist based in Angus. Her inspiration comes from the glens the coastline and the natural beauty of the area. She is also influenced by my many years travelling in Asia, East Africa and South America. She often combines Jewellery making skills with glasswork to produce whimsical pieces such as robots. As well as making she also runs workshops so that others can discover the joy of glass. See Amy's work at Montrose Art Market (Venue 4).

    Travelling to the venue

    What's on

    See Amy's work at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4)

    Buy Amy's work at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4)

    • May Sat 3 and Sun 4th

      12noon - 4pm See and Buy Amy's work at Montrose Art Market.

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    Craig Nugent

    27 Sanderson Place, Newbigging, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Angus DD5 3RQ

    Text and Language. Scottish History. Locality and place. These three areas have been central to my practice since 2000. Communal meaning, national identity. Is Scotland a figment of Sir Walter Scott's imagination? My search for Scotland goes on.

    Travelling to the venue

    What's on

    See Craig's work at his studio

    Buy Direct from Craig at his Open Studio

    • May 2 to 31 May

      Open by Appointment outwith open studio dates:

    • May Sat 3 and Sun 4th

      12noon - 4pm See and Buy Craig's work

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    • Toilets at Venue Icon

    Knotbrook Taylor

    Friockheim, Angus

    Experienced published poet. I am happy to give readings of my work, collaborate with other artists across different media (music, photography, dance) and I am an experienced poetry tutor who can help people access modern poetry and improve their own writing.

    Travelling to the venue

      What's on

      See a range of books from Knotbrook Taylor at Venue 5

      Make Contact Knotbrook Taylor for workshops

      Buy a range of books from Knotbrook Taylor at Venue 5

      • May 2 to 31 May

        Contact Knotbrook Taylor to buy books during festival.

      • May Fri 9 and Sat 18th

        11am - 4pm See and Buy Knotbrook Taylor's work at the Remnants Exhibition Venue 5

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      • Accessible Venue Icon
      • Toilets at Venue Icon

      John Burness

      67 Queen street, Carnoustie DD77AB

      John is a ceramic artist, creating sculptural pieces that draw on nature and natural elements for inspiration. He uses Japanese techniques in his work. John’s work will be on display at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3).

      Travelling to the venue

        What's on

        See John's work at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3).

        Make Contact Fran direct for workshop details.

        Buy John's work at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3).

        • May 2nd - 5th

          See and Buy John's work at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3).

        • Venue Icon
        • Accessible Venue Icon
        • Toilets at Venue Icon

        Jennifer Mackie

        11 Taylor Street, Forfar DD8 3JQ

        Jennifer is an observational oil painter who strives to capture the atmosphere of a place. Fascinated with holding onto the ever-changing fleeting light and movement of her subject matter. You can see Jenny’s work at the Forfar Art Market (Venue 1).

        Travelling to the venue

        Access is through the gate to the back garden, my studio is in the garden. No steps

          What's on

          See a wide range of work by Jenny at the Forfar Art Market (Venue 1)

          Buya wide range of work by Jenny at the Forfar Art Market (Venue 1)

          • May 3rd and 4th

            See and BuyJenny's work at the Forfar Art Market (Venue 1)

          • Venue Icon
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          • Toilets at Venue Icon

          Fran Marquis

          4 Springfield Terrace, Arbroath DD11 1EL

          Fran Marquis will be taking part in the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) where she will have a mix of light sculptures based on Foramenifera, sea creatures, and exciting new functional ceramics from a recent residency in Portugal. Fran will also be taking part in the Remnants: Traces of the Past in the Present exhibition (Venue 5).

          Travelling to the venue

          Wheelchair access from the back through the green back gate, not from the front where there are 7-8 steps up from the pavement.

            What's on

            See a wide range of work from Fran Marquis at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and at the exhibition (Venue 5).

            Make Contact Fran direct for workshop details.

            Buy a wide range of work from Fran Marquis at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and at the exhibition (Venue 5).

            • May 2nd - 5th

              see Fran's latest work at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 4).

            • May 9th - 18th

              see Fran's latest work at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

            • Venue Icon
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            • Toilets at Venue Icon

            Amanda Waite

            East Lodge, Waulkmill, Letham Grange, Arbroath DD11 4RL

            Amanda's art practice is story telling through surreal portraiture with a lean towards disrupted realism. Her commissioned portraits combine oils with symbolic images juxtaposed within the cyanotype print process . Her abstracts are painted on basswood panels inspired from natural objects found along the coastline. She works to commission , tutors life drawing classes and runs drawing/cyanotype workshops. During the festival Amanda is offering Life Drawing Taster Workshops at her studio (Venue 9) on 7th, 14th and 21st of May from 3 -4.30pm (venue 9). Suitable for adults over 18. Book your session at £12 per person, email

            Travelling to the venue

            What's on

            See Contact Amanda direct to see work.

            Make Pre-book a life drawing taster workshop.

            Buy Contact Amanda direct to buy work.

            • May Wed 7th, 14th and 21st

              3.00 - 4.30pm Prebook a Life Drawing Taster Workshop (Venue 9).

            • Venue Icon
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            • Toilets at Venue Icon

            Sandra Ireland

            Long Row, Westhaven, Carnoustie DD7 6BE

            Sandra Ireland is secretary of Angus Writers’ Circle and works with various organisations to provide writing for wellbeing in the community. She is the author of five novels and is currently working on a non-fiction commission about the legend of Lady Godiva. She has also enjoyed success with poetry, winning the Glasgow Women’s Library Bold Types Competition in 2022, and the SAW Dorothy Dunbar trophy in 2016 and 2017. Her poems have featured in various anthologies, including a World Wildlife Fund publication to commemorate Glasgow’s staging of COP 26.

            Travelling to the venue

            Situated in Carnoustie

            What's on

            See See books for sale during the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3). Contact artist direct.
            Make During workshop at Venue 3.

            Buy from a selection of latest Books. Contact the artist direct.

            • May 2nd to 31st

              Contact the artist direct.

            • May 2nd to 5th

              See and buy Sandra's books at the Arbroath Art Market (venue 3)

            • May 11th

              Creative writing workshop at the Remnants: Traces of the Past in the Present exhibition. (Venue 5)

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            • Toilets at Venue Icon

            Miscellany Jane Recreations

            Barry Village

            The prefix  Miscellany describes the diversity of her creative practice. As an artist, she uses ink to create meditative line images and cut paper to abstract 'Kiri' style portraits from photos. As a maker, she recycles reclaimed fabric to make new garments, accessories, toys and collage art. As a writer, her stories and poems record the experience of nature and the magic that happens between people. Miscellany Jane’s work can be seen and bought online and in person at the Arbroath Art Market and in the Remnants: Traces of the Past in the Present exhibition.

            Travelling to the venue

            Barry Village

            What's on

            See Jane's work at Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and exhibition at Venue 5.
            Buy Jane's work at Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and exhibition at Venue 5.

            • May 2nd to 5th May

              Arbroath Art Market Venue 3.

            • May 9th - 18th

              Remnants: Traces of the Past in the Present exhibition (Venue 5)

            • Venue Icon
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            • Toilets at Venue Icon

            Maralyn Reed-Wood Porcelain

            Park Cottage, Careston, Brechin, Angus, DD9 6RU

            Maralyn’s work is hand built and modelled and figurative in content. She is inspired by people (working on drag Queens at present) places (working on a large pot with a carved landscape panel) history (recent work on "a short history of Scotland " depicting aspects of weird fashion) nature (leaping hares, puffins, Dodos) and lots of fish baskets using a technique that reinforces the structure. If you’d like to visit her workshop please phone 07966 135069 between 2-5pm.

            Travelling to the venue

              What's on

              See a wide range of work from Maralyn Reed-Wood at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4) and at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

              Make Contact Susie direct for workshop details.

              Buy a wide range of work from Maralyn Reed-Wood at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4) and at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

              • May 2nd - 5th

                see Maralyn's latest work at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4).

              • May 9th - 18th

                see Maralyn's latest work at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

              • Venue Icon
              • Accessible Venue Icon
              • Toilets at Venue Icon

              Lynda Marshall


              Inspired by nature, Scottish scenery, her love of sheep and all things woolly. Lynda's specialties include felt-making and botanical printing. Her work is exhibited locally including Hand Pict Showcase Gallery (Venue11), where she also teaches workshops throughout the year. Lynda will also be exhibiting at the Remnants: Traces of the Past in the Present exhibition (see separate listing in this brochure for more information)." To book workshops please message Lynda directly on 07778 912111.

              Travelling to the venue

                What's on

                See a wide range of work from Lynda Marshall at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

                Make Contact Lynda direct for workshop details.

                Buy a wide range of work from Lynda Marshall at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

                • May 9th - 18th

                  see Lynda's latest work at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

                • Venue Icon
                • Accessible Venue Icon
                • Toilets at Venue Icon

                Kirsten Ritchie Walker D.A.

                24 Redfield Road, Montrose DD10 8TW

                Private commissions, teaching Drawing and Painting classes

                Travelling to the venue

                  What's on

                  See paintings and drawings by Kirsten at Clay Half in Montrose (Venue 22).

                  Make landscape painted ceramics led by Kirsten at the Clay Half in Montrose (Venue 22).

                  • June Sat 22nd

                    Clay Half (Venue 22) -local artists Irene Hughes, Sasha Mannin and Kirsten Ritchie Walker exhibiting work and running demonstrations in this welcoming multi-disciplinary studio space in the heart of Montrose from 10am - 4pm.

                  • June Sun 23rd

                    (Venue 22) -local artists Irene Hughes, Sasha Mannin and Kirsten Ritchie Walker exhibiting work and running demonstrations in this welcoming multi-disciplinary studio space in the heart of Montrose from 10am - 4pm.

                  • June 24th - 30th

                    The Clay Half Pottery Studio (Venue 22) will be running a range of workshops in ceramics, drawing & painting, lino printing and creative writing with local artists, Irene Hughes, Sasha Mannin, Kirsten Ritchie Walker and Fiona Ritchie Walker from 10am -4pm each day. Booking at

                  • Venue Icon
                  • Accessible Venue Icon
                  • Toilets at Venue Icon

                  Jo Gifford

                  Kinnordy House, Kinnordy, Kirriemuir, DD8 5ER

                  Jo Gifford uses clay to explore ideas around boundaries, containment and categorisation; using the vessel as a starting point she layers repetitive processes creating works that hold time, care and the touch of the human hand within. See Jo's work at Kirriemuir Art Market (Venue 2).

                  Travelling to the venue

                  By bus
                  S20 Kirriemuir High Street - Northmuir
                  15 min walk to venue from Cortachy Road, alight near Kinnordy Road

                  Please don't rely on the postcode as it takes you to Home Farm rather than Kinnordy House. The house is at 56°40'58.9"N 3°02'04.2"W 56.683021, -3.034488 It is easiest to reach the house up the front drive through the gates marked Kinnordy Estate, 56°40'43.5"N 3°00'58.5"W 56.678744, -3.016255 Access to the studio is at the back of the house, door to the right when through the courtyard. What3words: group.otter.relieves

                  What's on

                  See ceramics by Jo Gifford at the Kirriemuir Art Market.
                  Make Contact maker for workshops
                  Buy ceramics by Jo Gifford at the Kirriemuir Art Market.

                  • May Fri 2nd

                    See and Buy ceramics by Jo from 10:30am - 4pm

                  • May Sat 3rd

                    See and Buy ceramics by Jo from 10:30am - 4pm

                  • May Sun 4th

                    See and Buy ceramics by Jo from 10:30am - 4pm

                  • May Mon 5th

                    See and Buy ceramics by Jo from 10:30am - 4pm

                  • Venue Icon
                  • Accessible Venue Icon
                  • Toilets at Venue Icon

                  Erolin Studios

                  Caroline's prints combine a love of the scientific as well as the spiritual, with her work often referencing cycles of life and death, depicting both the living animal and its skeleton. In addition, many of her prints feature creatures that are often overlooked such as insects and amphibians. All works are handmade with traditional processes ie linocut/etching/wood engraving.

                  Travelling to the venue

                    What's on

                    See through her website.

                    Buy through her website.

                    • May 2nd - 31st

                      See and Buy work direct from Caroline's website.

                    • Venue Icon

                    Gallus Glass

                    Folda, 102 roods, Kirriemuir dd8 4hq

                    I specialising in original, affordable free hanging leaded glass panels in contemporary and traditionally based designs. But also work on commissions, large and small, for individual clients. I also undertake repair and restoration work. I am influenced by the dominating Angus landscapes and by the tradition of historical stained glass work, translating them into my own contemporary style. The glass has a huge range of possibilities of colour, intensity and texture and this can often dictate the design. Stained glass is experiencing a revival in interest as people realise the value of traditional crafts. Glass panels, however small, are always a point of focus in the home or public environment and respond well to changes in light as the day and seasons progress. I am lucky enough to be able to work at home and have had a spectacular bespoke studio built for me in my garden. So viewing my work is very accessible.

                    Travelling to the venue

                    on the left, going up Roods, entry to the drive is directly behind Mc Gregor's Land and just before bench. Studio is situated through large wooden gates, at bottom of the garden. Parking available down drive, for adventurous drivers, alternatively parking can be found on the next street up on left, West Hillbank Road, at the church.

                      What's on

                      See a wide range of glass creations from Maureen Crosbie.

                      Make Contact Maureen Crosbie direct for workshops.

                      Buy a wide range of glass from Maureen Crosbie.

                      • May 2nd - 5th

                        See and Buy Glass creations at the Kirriemuir Art Market at Kinnordy (venue 2) by Maureen

                      • May 24th - 27th

                        See and Buy Glass creations at Maureen's Open Studio (venue 15) by Maureen from 10.30am - 4.30pm every day.

                      • Venue Icon

                      Sarah Rees Lloyd Ceramics

                      17 Dalhousie Street Brechin, Angus DD97BB

                      Sarah Rees Lloyd has created a collection of wheel thrown tableware, blending aesthetics and functionality. She's influenced by fragments of archaeological finds, whilst field walking and the textural surface patterns found in the hinterland and shorelines of Angus. Her vibrant glaze hues are drawn from my South Asian heritage, specifically the Temples of Tamil Nadu. Sarah will be showing at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4) and her Open Studio on Sunday 4 May.

                      Travelling to the venue

                      Bus - Alight at St Ninians Square, Brechin. Car - Parking is available on Dalhousie Street, however it is limited.

                        What's on

                        See See Sarah's work at a Montrose Art Market and her own Open Studio.

                        Buy Sarah's whole collection will be available for purchase during the Open Studio period and Montrose Art Market.

                        • May 2 to 31st

                          Open by Appointment out with following open studio/Art Market dates:

                        • May Fri 2nd

                          Private View Friday 2 May 5-8pm

                        • May Sat 3 to 5th

                          11am - 4pm See and Buy Sarah's work at the Montrose Art Market.

                        • May Sun 4th

                          11am - 4pm See and Buy Sarah's work at her Open Studio.

                        • Venue Icon
                        • Accessible Venue Icon
                        • Toilets at Venue Icon

                        Irene Hughes Pottery/Clay Half

                        55 Murray Street, Montrose DD108JZ

                        My work mainly involves the production of handmade tableware from stoneware clay. The decoration of my pottery with slips and glazes reflects the influence of the seascapes and landscapes that surround me in the coastal town of Montrose. My work is mainly electric fired but I also wood fire regularly. I am open to commissions but am selective due to time available with commitments at my teaching studio at the Clay Half. During the festival I will be hosting the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4) at Clay Half.

                        Travelling to the venue

                        Clay Half is in the centre of Montrose.

                          What's on

                          See Pottery from Irene Hughes (Venue 4)

                          Make Irene will be hosting a range of workshops at Clay Half at 55 Murray Street (Venue 4)

                          Buy a range of pottery from Irene Hughes (Venue 4).

                          • May Fri 2nd

                            Private View Friday 2 May 5-8pm

                          • May Sat 3 to 5th

                            11am - 4pm See and Buy Irene's work at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4)

                          • Venue Icon
                          • Accessible Venue Icon
                          • Toilets at Venue Icon

                          Sheila Roussel Jewellery Design

                          DD2 5PT

                          Working in sterling silver and also anodised aluminium, Sheila designs and makes her jewellery collections taking inspiration from the world around her, the decorative, delicate and colourful structures of natural forms. Sheila works from her home studio in Birkhill, Angus and sells her work at fairs and events in Angus, Perthshire and Fife. Commissions are welcome. Sheila also runs a range of Introduction to Jewellery Workshops for 1:1 and small groups from her home studio and also in the community.

                          Travelling to the venue

                          By bus
                          S20 Kirriemuir High Street - Northmuir
                          15 min walk to venue from Cortachy Road, alight near Kinnordy Road

                          Please don't rely on the postcode as it takes you to Home Farm rather than Kinnordy House. The house is at 56°40'58.9"N 3°02'04.2"W 56.683021, -3.034488 It is easiest to reach the house up the front drive through the gates marked Kinnordy Estate, 56°40'43.5"N 3°00'58.5"W 56.678744, -3.016255 Access to the studio is at the back of the house, door to the right when through the courtyard. What3words: group.otter.relieves

                            What's on

                            See latest Jewellery from Sheila can be seen at Kirriemuir Art Market (Venue 2)

                            Make Learn to Make a Copper Ring at Kirriemuir Art Market ( Venue 2). Book your place:

                            Buy latest selection of Jewellery from Sheila at Kirriemuir Art Market (Venue 2)

                            • May 2nd - 5th

                              See and Buy Jewellery creations at the Kirriemuir Art Market at Kinnordy (venue 2) by Sheila. Workshops - Learn to make a copper ring 11.00am – 12.30pm.

                            • May Wed 14th

                              11.00-1.00 Introduction to Mindful Mandalas workshop with Sheila at (Venue 6).

                            • Venue Icon
                            • Accessible Venue Icon
                            • Toilets at Venue Icon

                            Clive Weake, Monifieth Ceramics

                            12 Albert Street, Monifieth, Angus, DD5 4JS

                            I work from my small workshop attached to our house in Monifieth. While concentrating on producing my own work I also give lessons , primarily throwing but also helping people develop their own ideas.

                            Travelling to the venue

                              What's on

                              See Clive's work can be seen at the Arbroath Art Market ( Venue 3 )

                              • May 2nd - 5th

                                See and Buy Ceramics from Clive at the Arbroath Art Market (venue 3)

                              • Venue Icon
                              • Accessible Venue Icon
                              • Toilets at Venue Icon

                              Susan Stehli

                              Arbroath, DD11 1HL

                              Susan Stehli is a textile artist focusing on both traditional and modern patchwork and textile-based art. She now predominantly focuses on creating works using fabrics (often upcycled) that she dyes, prints or paints using dyes, inks and paints that she concocts herself using botanicals and ground rocks. Naturally, her inspiration, like the materials she uses, largely come from the world around us. You can see and buy Susan's work at the Arbroath Art Market and also at the Remnants: Traces of the Past in the Present exhibition.

                              Travelling to the venue

                                What's on

                                See a wide range of work from Susie Stehli at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

                                Make Contact Susie direct for workshop details.

                                Buy a wide range of work from Susie Stehli at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3) and at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

                                • May 2nd - 5th

                                  see Susie's latest work at the Arbroath Art Market (Venue 3).

                                • May 9th - 18th

                                  see Susie's latest work at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

                                • Venue Icon
                                • Accessible Venue Icon
                                • Toilets at Venue Icon

                                Michelle Hewitt

                                Three Chimneys, Bridge of Dun, Montrose, DD10 9LH

                                Predominantly a detailed wildlife artist working in pastels from my home studio. I run workshops and give demos. Selling work through galleries, online and direct at events. Commissions always welcome.

                                Travelling to the venue

                                Directions: Off A935 Brechin-Montrose road follow signs for Caledonian Railway. There is parking at the Caledonian railway opposite.
                                w3w proposals/channel/studio

                                  What's on

                                  See latest work at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4) and at exhibition Venue 5.

                                  MakeSunday 18th May, 130-3.30pm; two hour workshop linked to venue 5 exhibition.

                                  Buy latest work at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4) and at exhibition Venue 5.

                                  • May 2nd - 5th

                                    see Michelle's latest work at the Montrose Art Market (Venue 4).

                                  • May 9th - 18th

                                    see Michelle's latest work at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

                                  • Venue Icon
                                  • Accessible Venue Icon
                                  • Toilets at Venue Icon

                                  Victoria Wylie

                                  23 Arbroath Road, Forfar DD82JJ

                                  Victoria is a fine art painter – she makes contemporary abstract landscape paintings from her home studio in Forfar. Exploring the wilderness of Scotland's land and sea, she creates bold, striking and atmospheric paintings that celebrate the natural world. Her connection with and respect for the natural world is central to every mark she makes. Victoria’s work can be seen at the Forfar Art Market (Venue 1). She exhibits with galleries throughout the UK and has artworks in corporate and private collections across the world. Appointments can be made to visit her studio all year round – just get in touch to arrange a suitable time.

                                  Travelling to the venue

                                  My studio is on the corner of Arbroath Road and Yeaman Street. The entrance is via the back driveway on Yeaman Street

                                    What's on

                                    See latest paintings from Victoria at Forfar Art Market (Venue1)

                                    Buy latest paintings from Victoria at Forfar Art Market (Venue1)

                                    • May 3d and 4th

                                      See and Buy latest paintings from Victoria at the Forfar Art Market (Venue 1).

                                    • Venue Icon

                                    Georgina Sampson

                                    Mains of Balgavies, Forfar DD8 2TH

                                    I work in earthenware clay throwing and hand building ceramics which are decorated with underslip colours and clear glazes.My ceramics are mainly decorative.I work to commission via my website and have run one workshop but would like to do more workshops in clay with groups like school children and young adults.

                                    Travelling to the venue

                                      What's on

                                      See Contact the artist direct.

                                      Make Contact the artist direct.

                                      Buy Contact the artist direct.

                                      • May 2 to 31 st May

                                        Contact Georgie direct to buy work.

                                      • Venue Icon
                                      • Accessible Venue Icon
                                      • Toilets at Venue Icon

                                      Astrid Weigel

                                      Puddledub Cottage, Guthrie, Forfar DD82SN

                                      Astrid Weigel is a screen printer who utilizes textiles and paper to produce a variety of wall art and home decorative accessories. Her work is primarily inspired by nature, combining semi-abstract textural motifs with natural elements in vibrant colours. She offers workshops at her studio, teaching basic printmaking techniques on fabric and/or paper for small groups or individual sessions. Astrid will be displaying her work at the Forfar Art Market (Venue 1) during the weekend of the 3rd & 4th May and her studio is open by appointment. Additionally, she will be exhibiting at the “Remnants: Traces of the Past in the Present” exhibition at Venue 5 in Arbroath 9-18th May. See separate listings for more information. WORKSHOPS Monday 5th May at Puddledub Cottage (Venue 8) PRINT YOUR OWN TOTE BAG – a fun and creative event where you can print your own bag with the Angus Creative’s eye-catching logo. 4 slots available: 12.00-12.30; 1.30-2.00; 2.30-3.00; 3.30-4.00 Suitable for all ages, from 6 to 100! Cost: £ 8.00 Where: Astrid’s studio at Puddledub Cottage, Guthrie, Forfar. DD8 2SN (Venue 8) Tickets and info: Click on eventbrite link below

                                      Travelling to the venue

                                      Situated on the A932 Arbroath Raod, about 7 miles outside Forfar/Arbroath. No.27 Bus stops right outside.

                                      What's on

                                      See a wide range of work for sale during Forfar Art Market (Venue 1) and Remnants exhibition (venue 5)

                                      Make Print a tote bag workshop at Venue 8

                                      Buy from a selection of latest works at the Forfar Art market (Venue 1)

                                      • May 2nd to 31st May

                                        Open by Appointment outwith following Art Markets and Exhibitions:

                                      • May Sat 3rd and Sun 4th

                                        10.30am - 4.00pm See and Buy Astrid's work at the Forfar Art Market (Venue 1).

                                      • May Mon 5th

                                        12.00-12.30;  1.30-2.00;  2.30-3.00;  3.30-4.00 Print You Own Tote Bag workshop with Astrid at Venue 8.

                                      • May Fri 9th to 18th

                                        10.30am - 4.00pm See and Buy Astrid's work at the Remnants exhibition (Venue 5).

                                      • Venue Icon

                                      Studio Carey Brett

                                      39 Brechin Road, Forfar, DD8 3JT

                                      Carey Brett is a textile designer currently exploring the wonders of bookbinding, marbling, and paper folding. Working from her studio in Forfar, Angus she creates a varied range of original notebooks and sketchbooks, employing different structures and stitch techniques, often incorporating her unique hand marbled papers into a finished piece. Carey's current work also involves commissions and bespoke orders. Open Studio by request. Please get in touch if you would like to visit and find out more.

                                      Travelling to the venue

                                        What's on

                                        See Carey's work direct from her online sites.

                                        Buy arey's work direct from her online sites.

                                        • May 2 to 31st May

                                          Contact the artist direct.

                                        • Venue Icon
                                        • Accessible Venue Icon
                                        • Toilets at Venue Icon

                                        Adam Geary

                                        Puddledub Cottage, Guthrie, Forfar DD82SN

                                        I’m a photographer living in Angus, on the North East Coast of Scotland, UK. My primary creative focus is publishing books and have done this for many years. Publishing allows me to reach a diverse, international audience with high quality, accessible and affordable books /prints that are easy to buy and collect. My books and photographs are exhibited widely and appear in many collections worldwide. I like being outside, searching for images and exploring new places; looking for poetry in the everyday and being excited by the visual world. I take inspiration and influence from many places across the arts and my work is a reflection of this. It really is all about the photographs and the books, however! Pop in and see my books and prints at the Forfar Art Market (Venue 1) or from my studio on the 5th from 11 till 4pm.

                                        Travelling to the venue

                                        Situated on the A932 Arbroath Road, about 7 miles outside Forfar/Arbroath. No.27 Bus stops right outside.

                                        What's on

                                        See Limited edition Photographs and books by Adam Geary in the Forfar Art Market (Venue 1) and at Venue 8 on 5th May.

                                        Buy 20% off limited edition Photographs and books by Adam Geary .

                                        • May 2 to 31 May

                                          Open by Appointment outwith following Art Market open studio dates:

                                        • May Sat 3 and Sun 4th

                                          10am - 4pm See and Buy Adam's work at Forfar Art Market (Venue 1)

                                        • May Mon 5th

                                          11am - 4pm See and Buy Adam's work at Puddledub Cottage (Venue 7)

                                        • Venue Icon

                                        Telephone Box Gallery

                                        Corner of Bank Street and Marywell Brae, Kirriemuir, DD8 4BQ

                                        A micro contemporary art gallery in the heart of the vibrant 'Wee Red Toon' Kirriemuir, Angus, Scotland. The theme of this tiny gallery is 'Connection'. Deirdre Bennett is practising interdisciplinary artist and social art practitioner and also a lecturer of contemporary art for UHI Perth. As part of her current practice she also curates the 128 Telephone Box Gallery in her home town, Kirriemuir - "People and planet are nearly always at the core of my practice."

                                        Travelling to the venue

                                        By bus
                                        S20 Forfar - Kirriemuir
                                        Alight at Forfar Road opposite the Veterinary Centre.

                                        What's on

                                        See|See latest exhibition at the 128 Telephone Box Gallery micro contemporary art gallery in Kirriemuir.

                                        This not-for-profit space offers exhibition opportunities to established international, national and local artists, recent graduates, local community groups and local children. The theme of the box is 'Connection'.

                                        • May 2nd to 31st

                                          Open everyday 24/7

                                        • Venue Icon


                                        41 High Street, Carnoustie, DD7 6AG

                                        HAYM is a Homeware and Lifestyle store with a carefully curated selection of products from many local and Scottish independent designers, including work from some Angus Creative members. HAYM will be hosting several creative workshops during the festival period which can be booked via their website

                                        Travelling to the venue

                                        By bus
                                        S73/73A Arbroath - Carnoustie
                                        S181 Forfar - Carnoustie (limited service)
                                        Shop on High Street, adjacent to car park, single step access.

                                        What's on

                                        See a showcase of work by Angus Creatives.

                                        Make workshops with Angus Creatives members

                                        Buy work from Angus Creatives amongst others.

                                        • Tues - Fri Open all year

                                          10am - 5.30pm

                                        • Sat Open all year

                                          9.30am - 4pm

                                        • Venue Icon
                                        • Accessible Venue Icon

                                        Carol Sinclair Ceramics

                                        Wheatlands, 26 Hillside Road, Forfar, DD8 2AY

                                        I create one-off porcelain works and limited edition collections inspired by people and places, and in response to specific themes or topics. I create work that is carefully crafted while also having layers of meaning to draw attention to things that I care about, especially the environment and the beautiful Angus landscape that inspires me.

                                        Travelling to the venue

                                        Any service that takes you into Forfar town centre, uphill walk to destination. Limited parking on site, on street parking round the corner at the top of the road.

                                        What's on

                                        See hand made ceramics - jewellery, bowls, plates, vases, bottles and larger sculptural pieces by Carol Sinclair.

                                        Buy all work in the studio is available to purchase.

                                        • May Sat 25th

                                          See and Buy Carol's ceramics direct from her studio from 12 noon to 5pm.

                                        • During festival

                                          See and Buy Carol's ceramics direct from website or by appointment